Page 10 - Bernardon Proposal for Design Services-26th Street Residences
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                    ■ Punch list of specific units, unit types, building     ■ Construction cost estimating and bidding; and
                   exterior, and parking garage.                        ■ Security system, access control, CCTV, and voice and
                                                                       data systems.
               We anticipate an 18-month construction period.  If
               the construction period is longer than anticipated or   Scope of Basic Services - Interior Design
               if additional meetings are required outside of the fault
               of the design team, we reserve the right to invoice our   The  Bernardon Interiors  team will provide  interior
               additional time as Additional Services.              design services based on the established amenity
                                                                    program and space plan provided.  This will include
                                                                    finish selections, lighting and ceiling design, millwork
               Additional Services and Exclusions                   design and detailing, interior detailing and all associated
               Our services are limited to the scope of Basic Services   documentation, as  well  as  furniture,  artwork  and
               described above.  If the scope of the project or our   accessory selection, specification and procurement for
               services changes, we reserve the right to invoice for   all amenity and common area spaces within the project.
               Additional Services.  Examples of Additional Services   Below outlines the established amenity program:
               would include:
                                                                        ■ Amenity Space – approximately 5,000 SF on the first
                    ■ Bidding and sub-contractor descope services;     floor as indicated on established schematic plans.
                    ■ Making revisions to previously approved drawings;  Current program includes the following spaces:
                    ■ Providing services after a substantial delay [six or
                   more months (6+)] in the project schedule;          •  Concierge
                    ■ Additional design meetings and/or  construction   •  Mail Room
                   observations;                                       •  Package Room
                    ■ Attendance at City meetings and City requested   •  Leasing Office
                   documents;                                          •  Co-working Lounge
                    ■ Construction inspections;                        •  Fitness Center
                    ■ Exterior envelope consultant;                    •  Fitness Storage
                    ■ Accessibility consultant;                        •  Toilet Rooms
                    ■ Access control plans and coordination;
                    ■ Marketing materials and lease documents; and      ■ Courtyard Amenity Space – approximately 10,000 SF,
                    ■ Shop drawing review of wood or metal panel shop   of which we would assume 2/3 plantings, circulation
                   drawings.                                           paths, pool area, and 1/3 programmable spaces. This
                                                                       leaves roughly 3,250 SF of programmable space,
               The following are not included:                         which would include the following:

                    ■ Civil engineering for all site improvements;     •  Active Courtyard including pool deck, grilling
                    ■ Mechanical, electrical, plumbing, and fire protection   area, game areas
                   engineering;                                        •  Passive Courtyard including fire pit and quiet
                    ■ Structural engineering;                            gathering areas
                    ■ Geotechnical engineering;
                    ■ Pool design and details;

            BERNARDON | Proposal for Design Services
            PE Real Estate Holdings | 26th Street Residences, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania | February 22, 2022  Page 6
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