Page 7 - Bernardon Proposal for Design Services-26th Street Residences
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               Scope of Basic Services

               Basic Services shall consist of the usual and customary     ■ We will meet with you to present our initial
               architectural and interior design services, as well as   design  concepts and  modify the  designs  as
               landscape architecture services as they relate to the   directed to obtain your approval of the building
               courtyards only.  We will coordinate the services of    design.
               the owners engineering consultants. All services which
               are not specifically identified as Basic Services may be   During your entitlement and land development
               provided by Bernardon as Additional Services.        process, we can offer expert witness or expertise, if
                                                                    required.  Our involvement during these meetings
               Phase I - Schematic Design                           and for any city required submissions will be invoiced
               The design documents prepared by Indovina            as hourly services, per our standard hourly rates.  If
               Associates Architects, dated November 17, 2021, will   the city requires specific diagrams or drawings outside
               provide the basis for starting our Schematic Design   of the scope listed above for your land development
               phase.  We will further develop the design concepts   acceptance, we can also provide those on an hourly
               of the overall project.  In collaboration with you,   basis.
               we will revise and update the residential unit plans
               and determine the final unit types and quantities.     Site plans and land development plans will be
               We will also identify the structural and mechanical,   prepared by your Civil Engineer.  We will review the
               electrical, plumbing, and fire protection (MEPFP)    site plans and assist with the coordination of the site
               systems.  The following tasks and deliverables will be   improvement requirements.
                                                                    Once we have received approval and authorization
                    ■ Prepare schematic parking garage plans;       from you for our Schematic Design phase services, we
                    ■ Prepare overall floor plans of each residential   will proceed to Phase II, Design Development.
                    ■ Prepare unit plans of each apartment type;
                    ■ Prepare elevations of all building facades to   Phase II - Design Development
                   describe the exterior image, as well as materials;  The solutions created during the Schematic Design
                    ■ Provide one (1) preliminary building section;  process shall form the base information to proceed
                    ■ Provide one (1) preliminary typical wall section;  with  a  more  refined  set  of  Design  Development
                    ■ Four (4) exterior, photo-realistic renderings;  documents.  Your ongoing design review comments will
                    ■ Numeric calculations of GSF, NRSF, and unit mix   be incorporated into the design as this phase proceeds.
                   matrix;                                          Prior to our meetings, we will assess the ramifications
                    ■ Review the requirements of applicable building   of the proposed changes or improvements as they
                   codes  including  zoning  ordinances,  the  2018   relate to structural, code, systems, finishes/furnishings,
                   International  Building  Code  (IBC),  The  Fair   and cost implications.  We will prepare documents for
                   Housing Act (FHA), and the Americans with        preliminary pricing and distribute to you for review and
                   Disabilities Act (ADA) accessibility guidelines;   critique.  The goal will be to finalize the architectural
                   and                                              relationships, determine  structural implications, and
                                                                    coordinate the HVAC, plumbing, and electrical needs for
                                                                    the entire building.

            BERNARDON | Proposal for Design Services
            PE Real Estate Holdings | 26th Street Residences, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania | February 22, 2022  Page 3
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