Page 8 - Bernardon Proposal for Design Services-26th Street Residences
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               The following is a list of drawings which will be provided     ■ Architectural floor plans at 1/8” scale for each floor
               at the conclusion of this phase:                        level;
                                                                        ■ Architectural parking garage plans;
                    ■ Parking garage floor plans;                       ■ Enlarged plans and details of each dwelling unit;
                    ■ First floor plan;                                 ■ Roof plan and associated details;
                    ■ Second floor plan;                                ■ Building elevations;
                    ■ Third residential floor plan;                     ■ Detailed elevations of the entrance areas;
                    ■ Fourth residential floor plan;                    ■ Wall sections;
                    ■ Fifth residential floor plan;                     ■ Details;
                    ■ Sixth residential floor plan;                     ■ Schedule for doors and hardware;
                    ■ Enlarged dwelling unit plans and details;         ■ Stair and elevator details;
                    ■ Roof plan;                                        ■ Interior Design coordination (scope of service
                    ■ Exterior elevations;                             below);
                    ■ Building sections; and                            ■ Reflected ceiling plans of core areas; and
                    ■ Wall sections.                                    ■ Building specification book.

               We will coordinate location, shape, and depth of pool.
               Design and documentation will be completed based on a   Phase IV - Construction Administration
               design-build basis.                                  It is our understanding that you plan to engage a
                                                                    Construction Manager (CM) during the design phase.
               Once we have received approval and authorization from   Therefore, we anticipate that our services during
               you  for our  Schematic Design  phase  services,  we  will   construction will include the following:
               proceed to Phase III, Design Construction Documents.
                                                                        ■ Answer Requests for Information (RFIs) during the
                                                                       subcontractor bid period;
               Phase III - Construction Documents                       ■ Review specific shop drawings (custom/specialty
               When Design Development has been completed, we          items, windows, door hardware, and steel shop
               will proceed with the preparation of Construction       drawings and as outlined in our book specifications);
               Documents.                                              and
                                                                        ■ Coordinate consultants  through the construction
               We anticipate that a fire pump may be necessary;        process.
               therefore, the design and documentation of this system
               is included.  All site utilities will be designed and detailed   Site observations will be provided as requested by you
               by the Civil Engineer. We will coordinate with your   and your CM.  Examples of the types of site observations
               consulting engineers relative to MEPFP and structural   are:
                                                                        ■ Pre-construction meeting;
               Based upon the drawings prepared as part of the Design     ■ Install meetings related to windows, doors, weather
               Development phase, we will prepare documents suitable   resistant barrier, and gypsum board;
               for final bidding, permitting, and construction as       ■ Review of monthly CM Applications for Payment;
               follows:                                                and

            BERNARDON | Proposal for Design Services
            PE Real Estate Holdings | 26th Street Residences, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania | February 22, 2022  Page 4
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