Page 109 - Bernardon Proposal for Design Services Revised
P. 109
revised Sept. 12, 2022
CLIENT: Paradigm Hotels Group The shear wall locaons were carefully selected to minimize
ARCHITECT: Architectural Dimensions impacts on the architectural layout as well as the building
STORIES: 12 dris and required property line set-backs. These small
TOTAL SQUARE FOOTAGE: 110,000-sf property line set-backs allowed for greater usable square
CONSTRUCTION: concrete footage for the building, which was a necessity given the
COMPLETION DATE: 2015 very small site. The rooop bar and mechanical systems are
supported by a steel framing system , resulng in a flexible
Located across from the Moscone Convenon Center layout for architecture and mechanical demands, as well as
and directly adjacent to San Francisco’s planned Fourth reduced building loads.
Street Subway, this 150-key boque hotel features a full-
PROJECT EXPERIENCE xxxx xxxx The building’s primary framing system is cast-in-place staon, the enre project was closely coordinated with the PROJECT EXPERIENCE xxxx xxxx
Due to the building’s adjacenty to the new MUNI subway
service restaurant, fi tness center, a rooop bar, and suites.
concrete. In order to maximize floor-to-ceiling heights, DCI
San Francisco Municipal Transportaon Authority (SFMTA).
designed 6 ½” post-tensioned concrete slabs. In addion to
DCI developed a one-of-a-kind shoring system that ulized
creang more volume within the rooms, the thin slabs also
the exisng walls from the demolished building as the
signifi cantly reduced the mass of the building, resulng in
smaller columns, reduced foundaon sizes, and fewer shear
addional square feet of space.
walls. temporary shoring walls. This design, resulted in hundreds of