Page 108 - Bernardon Proposal for Design Services Revised
P. 108

revised Sept. 12, 2022                                                                revised Sept. 12, 2022


              PENDRY HOTEL


              ROLE: Structural Engineer                        ballpark and convenon center.

              ARCHITECT:  Awbrey Cook Rogers McGill Architects
              DEVELOPER: Robert Green Company                  DCI Engineers was part of the project team that converted
              COST: $120 Million                               the site into the dynamic hospitality hub. The engineers
              HEIGHT: 12 stories                               designed the cast-in-place basement wall system; a mat

              CONSTRUCTION TYPE: Concrete, Steel, Masonry      slab devised to resist hydrostac upli forces (due to
                                                               the basement extending below the water table); three
              When a run-of-the-mill hotel stay doesn’t fi t the occasion,  waterproof subterranean parking levels via a volclay
           PROJECT EXPERIENCE  San Diego experience. The 12-story hotel resides in the   accommodate a mat foundaon. The engineering team
                                                               installaon; and the hotel’s lateral and gravity systems to

              the modern Pendry Hotel is the answer for a stylish

                                                               also updated drawings to reference mild reinforced slabs
              historic Gaslamp Quarter where tourists and traveling
           xxxx  xxxx PROJECT EXPERIENCE  xxxx  xxxx  professionals flock to explore. The Pendry’s ground level   aer PT slabs were ruled out of the design. Updated

              accommodates six restaurants that blends in with the
                                                               drawings also referenced revised column and shear wall
              urban neighborhood environment. The hotel’s convenient  loca ons.
              locaon makes for pedestrian-friendly trips to the nearby

                                                            DCI+MACINTOSH ENGINEERS | 320 FRANKLIN AVE TOWER
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