Page 103 - Bernardon Proposal for Design Services Revised
P. 103

revised Sept. 12, 2022


               Villanova University - The                              Walnut Street Commons
               Commons                                                 Allentown, Pennsylvania
               Villanova, Pennsylvania                                 340,000-sf |9 & 6-stories
               400,000-gsf | 4-stories                                 ARCHITECT: J. Davis Architects
               ARCHITECT: Robert A.M. Stern Architects, LLP            CONTRACTOR: NORTH STAR DEVELOPMENT
               CONTRACTOR: DM Sabia & CO., Inc.                        DEVELOPER: CITY CENTER
               DEVELOPER: Villanova University
               Structural design services for the 400,000-sf, six-building   Structural and functional design for a new $16M park-
               student learning/living development located in the heart   ing/residential development. The building features a
               of the Villanova University campus. The Commons fea-    nine-story, 340,000 SF, pre-cast parking garage struc-

               tures four stories of mixed-use dormitory with as mar-  ture. The parking structure features a five-story, 61-res-
               ket-style convenience store, a full-service restaurant and   idential unit wrap around the structure. The building
               retail common space, and a one-story, 20,000-sf Central   foundations consisted of micro- pile foundations with
               Utility Plant. The state-of-the-art community earned    cast-in-place concrete retaining walls at the residential

               LEED Silver certification  and received the GBCA’s 2020   interface and ramped areas of the building.
           PROJECT EXPERIENCE  xxxx  including store-water management systems that will be
               Construction Excellence Awards for Best Specialty Con-
               tractor Project. A key feature is the sustainable design ,

               utilized and studied by Engineering faculty and students
               for research. It is an impressive creation of the colle-
               giate Gothic look that is distinctive to Villanova’s campus
               which involved using 5,000-tons of stone and decorative
               cast stone accents.

                                                               DCI+MACINTOSH ENGINEERS | 320 FRANKLIN AVE TOWER
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