Page 5 - Bernardon Proposal-ECHO Realty-MyEyeDr
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Out with the old, in with the new
The retail market is not shrinking, it is expanding. With the rapid growth in e-commerce and the latest integration
of retail into other markets, more than ever shopping is a bigger part of our daily lives. Today’s retailers have a
responsibility to create not just a destination for shoppers, but an experience. The Bernardon team brings fresh
ideas and experience in every type of retail project, from
tenant fit-outs and landlord work at small neighborhood
retail centers to regional 80-acre town centers. Our full-
service approach includes a thoughtful balance of stores,
integration of modern technology, impeccable landscaping
and outdoor spaces, and an exceptional array of amenities.
We fit-out every tenant with beautiful storefronts that
allow them to showcase the quality, craftsmanship, and
authenticity of their unique products. This will help you
beat the competition and attract loyal and lucrative tenants
who enhance the profile of the center itself. By working at
your side throughout the design process, we create vibrant,
enticing retail spaces that draw in the most lucrative tenants
and keep shoppers coming back day after day. In the pages
that follow, we have outlined our project approach and how
we will collaborate with ECHO Realty.
BERNARDON | Proposal for Design Services
BERNARDON | P r o p o s a l f or Design Ser vices
ECHO Realty | Media Shopping Center - Space 521, Media, Pennsylvania | February 24, 2022
E CHO R eal t y | Media Shopping Center - Space 521, Media, P enns yl v ania | F ebruar y 24, 2022 Page 1