Page 7 - Bernardon Proposal-ECHO Realty-MyEyeDr
P. 7
Project Approach
Project Understanding tenant’s security system and thus includes
The scope of services outlined herein entail those documentation of fire alarm devices, but not
necessary to provide landlord work documentation and a fire alarm system. If awarded the project,
related bid and construction phase services for space 521 Bernardon’s Project Team and ECHO Realty
at Media Shopping Center, located at 505 East Baltimore can evaluate this part of the project more
Pike, Media, Pennsylvania 19063. The Authority Having closely and adjust the scope of services and
Jurisdiction (AHJ) is Nether Providence Township. fee if required.
We understand that Space 521 is currently vacant, and the
proposed tenant is MyEyeDr. We also understand that Project Team
there are no archive drawings or other documentation Bernardon will engage the following consulting
available for tenant Space 521 or the shopping center. engineers:
As part of the Request for Proposal (RFP) process, the ■ McHugh Engineering Associates Inc. of
following documents have been provided to describe Ambler, PA will provide mechanical, plumbing,
the landlord work requirements. Annotated versions fire protection, and electrical (MPFPE)
of these documents are included as an Appendix to this engineering design and documentation
proposal. Annotations include notes by ECHO Realty services.
and by Bernardon per clarifications in scope during the
process of preparing this proposal. ■ Di Genova Associates, Inc. of Plymouth
Meeting, PA will provide structural engineering
design and documentation services.
1. MyEyeDr.; Media Shopping Center - Space 521,
Media PA – Architectural RFP (02/14/2022).
2. LOCATION – Media, PA – Space 521
CONSTRUCTION - EXHIBIT “WDS” Scope of Basic Services
Phase I - Construction Documents
indicates that landlord shall provide a During the Construction Documents phase, Bernardon
complete alarm system. Bernardon’s Project will document landlord work for the project based on
Team does not believe there is an existing fire the information described in the Project Understanding,
alarm system serving Spaces 505 through Schedule, and Bidding sections of this proposal.
523 at Media Shopping Center. It would
not be practical, and perhaps not possible, Bernardon and our Project Team will survey and
to have a fire alarm system that exclusively document existing conditions in Space 521 as required
serves Space 521. Bernardon’s proposed to document the landlord work improvements.
mechanical, plumbing, fire protection, and
electrical consultant suggests that fire alarm
devices can be provided and connected to the
BERNARDON | Proposal for Design Services
ECHO Realty | Media Shopping Center - Space 521, Media, Pennsylvania | February 24, 2022 Page 3