Page 8 - Bernardon Proposal-ECHO Realty-MyEyeDr
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Our Project Team includes a structural engineer for Schedule
survey, analysis, and structural design (if necessary) for Bernardon is prepared to commence work on the project
the new rooftop mechanical unit (RTU) in same location promptly upon approval of this proposal.
as the existing RTU.
Based on approval on or about March 4, 2022, we
The deliverables shall be documents suitable for building propose the following summary schedule which equates
permit application, bidding of the landlord work to approximately five (5) weeks from date of approval to
improvements, and construction of the improvements. completion of bid/permit documents.
Bernardon will provide signed and sealed documents for If approval of proposal occurs at a later date, the same
building permit application. Bernardon will also prepare approximate total duration of tasks would apply from
the building permit application with assistance from that date:
ECHO Realty as needed and submit the building permit
application to the AHJ. ■ March 7-11, 2022: Survey and document
existing conditions.
Construction Documents shall include summary
■ March 14-30, 2022: Document landlord work.
specifications on the drawings. A separate project
manual type specification is not included in the Basic
■ March 31 – April 4, 2022: ECHO Realty review
landlord work drawings.
■ April 5-8, 2022: Complete landlord work
Phase II - Bidding drawings.
ECHO Realty intends to invite three (3) General
■ April 11, 2022: Issue bid/permit documents.
Contractors (GCs) to bid the landlord work
documentation services. During the Bidding phase, ■ April 12-27, 2022: Bid Period.
Bernardon will respond to Requests for Information
(RFIs) from the GCs bidding the project. ■ April 12, 2022: Submit building permit
■ April 12 – May 3, 2022: Building permit
Phase III - Construction Administration
application review.
The following services will be provided during the
construction process:
■ Review shop drawings and required submissions.
■ Respond to RFIs and assist in resolving issues
arising from the work.
BERNARDON | Proposal for Design Services
ECHO Realty | Media Shopping Center - Space 521, Media, Pennsylvania | February 24, 2022 Page 4