Page 10 - Bernardon Proposal-ECHO Realty-MyEyeDr
P. 10
Additional Services and Exclusions Terms and Conditions
Our services are limited to the scope of Basic Services Terms and Conditions of Agreement for Professional
described above. If the scope of the project or our Services of Bernardon (Terms and Conditions) are
services change, we reserve the right to invoice for enclosed and are part of this proposal.
Additional Services. Examples of Additional Services
would include: We propose to base our final agreement on AIA
Document B101 – 2017, Standard Form of Agreement
■ Making revisions to previously approved Between Owner and Architect modified to reflect the
drawings; requirements of this project. Additional Terms and
■ Revising drawings to address cost-saving Conditions are attached hereto and made a part of this
recommendations; proposal.
■ Revising drawings to address changes in
project scope; This proposal is valid for ninety (90) days.
■ Bidding and Construction Administration
services not specifically included in or
specifically excluded from the Basic Services
■ Fire alarm system design and specification
(fire alarm device locations included in Basic
Services); and
■ MPFPE systems commissioning. (Some AHJs
require commissioning services in order to
acquire final certificate of occupancy).
The following are not included:
■ Site/Civil engineering;
■ Tenant fit-out design and documentation; and
■ Existing conditions survey beyond Space 521.
Additional services can be performed for a mutually
agreed upon fixed fee or on an hourly basis at our
standard hourly rates, which are adjusted annually.
BERNARDON | Proposal for Design Services
ECHO Realty | Media Shopping Center - Space 521, Media, Pennsylvania | February 24, 2022 Page 6