Page 9 - Bernardon Proposal-ECHO Realty-MyEyeDr
P. 9
“If your goal is to develop a building that
aesthetically fits the market for which it was
intended, has a ‘leaseable’ design concept to meet a
multitude of possibilities, meets your financial and
schedule expectations, Bernardon is an excellent
choice for your venture.” — Eli Kahn, E. Kahn Development Corporation
BERNARDON | Proposal for Design Services
BERNARDON | P r o p o s a l f or Design Ser vices
age 5
ECHO Realty | Media Shopping Center - Space 521, Media, Pennsylvania | February 24, 2022
E CHO R eal t y | Media Shopping Center - Space 521, Media, P enns yl v ania | F ebruar y 24, 2022 Page 5