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Head Girl                                                                                 Head Boy

        The  influential  women  in  my  life  -  my  mother,  my  school                        I,  Aditya  Nair,  am  obliged  to  the  school  management,  the
        Principal, my teachers, friends and the inspiring women I have                           Principal and all the teachers for believing in my potential and
        read about have taught me some very important values like being                          giving me the chance to serve my school as the Head Boy for the
        resilient in times of  adversity, to fight for your rights, and do so                    Academic Year 2019-2020.  I consider myself  to be fortunate as
        with  grace  and  faith  in  God.  It  is  with  these  principles  and                  I have been given such a great opportunity to hold up the flag of
        immense gratitude that I hope to fulfil my duty as the Head Girl                         Goldcrest High School, Vashi.
        of  Goldcrest High Vashi.
                                                                                                 For me, this is not about the position or a title, it is a possibility to
        Leaders derive their credibility, respect and power from their                           become an example and make a difference. I assure you all of  my
        unwavering commitment to walk the talk. In Bhagavad Gita, as                             hard work in collaboration with each and every person in the
        Lord Krishna guides Arjuna to lead by example, I hope that I can                         Student  Council  with  all  my  passion,  devotion  and
        also lead the dedicated pupils of  the student body by example,                          determination.  Instead  of   walking  ahead,  we  would  walk
        and  emulate  the  values  that  the  school  and  my  family  have                      together and achieve great things.
        reinstated in me.
                                                                                                 'Don't talk, act. Don't say, show. Don't promise, prove.' is the
        I aspire to not only be a committed leader, accomplishing goals                          motto of  my life and I hope to teach my peers the same, so that
        with  determination,  but  also  to  be  a  compassionate  and                           each one of  them becomes a person of  value. Everyone is special
        trustworthy friend. I'd like to thank every person in my life that                       in their own way; they just have to find that specialty in them and
        has  made  this  possible  today.  I  am  incredibly  grateful  to  the                  then life unfolds itself.
        Principal and my teachers for believing in me and my potential,
        and I shall prove myself  worthy of  the trust imposed in me.                            In the end I would like to thank our Principal and teachers who
                                                                                                 have always supported me and are the reason for what I have
        I am sure you will be fascinated by the school magazine, full of                         become  today.  I  wish  everyone  all  the  best  for  their  future
        captivating work by my talented friends. We will forever remain                          endeavors. We will strive to make Goldcrest proud of  us.
        Goldcrestians-  as  wherever  we  go,  the  lessons  and  values
        inculcated will never fade away.

                                          Mehak Bhatia                                                                               Aditya Nair
                                                  Grade XI                                                                              Grade XI

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