Page 222 - UUBO PE Summit 2020 - Materials
P. 222
Nigeria’s commitment:
• End gas flaring by 2050
Global shift towards • Develop 13GW off-grid solar farm Upside benefits for agrarian
environmentally • 45% unconditional reduction in CO2 economies as export
responsible investments. emissions markets for non-renewable
• Develop Climate Smart Agriculture natural resources shrink.
2016: Nigeria signed the Recent instances of flooding Nigeria’s economic
Paris Agreement to actively shows effect of Global Warming – survival is hinged on
reduce Greenhouse Gas Benue, Ebonyi, Niger, Lagos, Sierra our adaptability to
Emissions. Leone, South East Asia & the USA change .
Proposed ban on Fossil Fueled Products: Green Bonds provide a quick win for all parties:
❑ The UK and France to ban sale of fuel and ❑ Availability of domestic and international funding.
diesel cars by 2040 ❑ Environmentally and Socially responsible.
❑ Germany aims to be 100% powered from ❑ A ready market at the Nigerian Stock Exchange for
renewable energy by 2050 different classes of issuers and investors.