Page 7 - June 2022 Track N Times
P. 7
and spark blanket rolls are secured so they do not unroll during opera-
tions. Water system should also be tested to verify ditch and tie sprays
are adjusted correctly and supply adequate water.
The next inspection should be done by the Operations Superintendent
mid-day during a train delay. Everything except grind motors should be
left on or running for the inspection. Check all lights, low beam, high
beam, ditch lights, marker lights, strobes and brake light. Look at all
wheels for bluing caused by heavy braking or stuck brakes and look at
brake shoe condition. Make sure all traction motor cooling fans are run-
ning without excessive vibration or noise. Take a quick look over the
buggies, checking for leaks, spark blanket condition and buggy wheel con-
dition. If crew is changing stones, take a quick look inside the buggies,
particularly shoulder bolts on mod lifts, tilts and turnbuckles, and A
frame bolts. Take a quick look at all the common buss wires running be-
tween the cars. None should be
rubbing on the draw bars or look
damaged or melted in any way.
All dust blowers should be run- Ditch Light
ning without excessive vibration.
Walk by the engines and genera-
tors checking for leaks, excessive vibration and listening for odd sounds. Run
a quick test on tie and ditch sprays to make sure they are putting out ade-
quate water. Have the crew repair anything urgent while still on train delay,
especially if this is something that could cause machine delay later.
The first inspection done the
maintenance crew should be the
free spin. Modules with moderate
to severe vibration are the #1
cause of A frame bolts and pivot
bolts coming loose or breaking, as
Loose and Missing Pivot Bolts well as damage to many other
components including the grind
motor itself. Once free spin is
completed, and crew is working on fixing the wobblers the maintenance
superintendent should be walking a machine inspection. Look at every-
thing mentioned for the operations inspection as well as these additional
items and document your defects. Take a good look over the traction
motors, verify they are not excessively hot, all leads are in good condition
and the blower hoses are in place. Look at draw bar pin retainers, hose
loops and interconnect loops for damage. Inspect the buggies closely,
looking for missing or broken bolts on A frames, pivot caps, cylinder
mountings, and module wraps, especially the safety bolts. Make sure all Bushing Out and Motor Mount
Continued Page 6 Broke
Page 5 JUNE 2022