Page 13 - April 2023 Track N Times
P. 13
Physical Prototyping
We have many tools at our disposal to design and simulate the performance of the machine but nothing short of
building the actual machine compares with what can be learned from physical prototypes.
The tools engineering uses in the development of product is constantly evolving. It will be interesting to see what the
next decade brings.
Example: Prototype of Loram Track Vac
(LTV) manipulator
Electrical Safety Continued
why lockout tagout (LOTO) is a critical life changing decision.
When LOTO procedures are not followed and something goes wrong, the results are often fatal. LOTO procedures
needs to be understood and implemented correctly for them to be effective. In ESFI’s study, roughly 8.4% of fatalities
occurred when energy control procedures were not implemented properly. All supervisors should confirm that their
employees have completed their machine specific LOTO training and that their machine has all the appropriate electri-
cal PPE and controls (locks, tags, etc.).
You may look at those numbers and think that these fatalities must only be occurring specifically to individuals who
work on power distribution lines or are dedicated electricians. However, it was calculated that between 2011 and
2021, 69% of all electrically related fatalities happened to individuals in “non-electrically related occupations”.
Do not think that because your job title isn’t maintenance specialist or electrician that electrical safety does not impact
you. Everyone has a role to play in order to mitigate the risks from electrical hazards, even if that is simply actively
participating in a job briefing in which you are told where not to work (i.e. electrified territory). When it comes to
electrical safety, there is no room for error so always make sure to ask questions and understand that exact nature of
your work.
Sources 1.
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