Page 16 - April 2023 Track N Times
P. 16



                  MANAGER RECOGNITION
                        COIN RECIPIENTS

           Congratulations Tanner Garrett Superintendent RG414 for being recognized with an Op-
           erational Excellence Coin in March by Brad Goettsch, Manager, Rail Grinding.

           Tanner received my March Manager coin for preventing a possible Out Of Limits with RG414 and RGS4.
           On March 9, while working in Grafton, WV on the CSX, the pilot, riding in the rear of RGS4, received an EC-1
           authority that did not fully cover the limits that were needed to make the move from the Fairmont Subdivision
           onto the Mountain Subdivision.  Tanner noticed the authority was not covering all of the track needed to make
           the move and raised his concerns to the CSX foreman on RG414.  After discussing he agreed that the proper
           limits were not on the authority.  Dispatcher was contacted and correct track authority was issued.

           Congratulations crew of RGS5 for being recognized with an Operational Excellence Coin
           in March by Kyle Wesley, Manager, Rail Grinding.

           Jordan Simmonds, Lead Machine Operator, Crystal Vibas, Assistant Lead Machine Operator, Jeb Perry, Machine
           Operator-1, Chris Bolyea, Machine Operator-1
           The crew of RGS5 is being issued my March Operational Excellence. This is due to their actions of helping a van
           stuck on a crossing and making sure the railroad was informed and could stop train traffic before a collision.

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