Page 15 - November 2021 Track N Times
P. 15


                Reminders For 2021 Machine Shut Downs, Holidays and Year End

           As we approach Machine Shutdowns, Holidays and Year End, all taking place over the next couple of
           months, the Accounts Payable Team would like to send out some friendly reminders and important infor-
           mation regarding year end processes and schedules. Please be sure the following have been completed
           prior to leaving your machine, going on holiday breaks or end of year 2021.

           Concur Expense Reporting/Field Purchases:

           •  Ensure all outstanding Supplier purchases are settled using your credit card where applicable.
           •  Submit all outstanding Concur (Cash & Visa) transactions.
           •  Approvers, please be sure all submitted reports have been reviewed and approved.

           Supplier Invoices:

           •  Approvers, please be sure all IFS purchase requisitions waiting for your approval are fully authorized.
           •  Submit all outstanding Supplier invoices and statements to accounts payable for processing. Please
              use the correct email below to send invoices based on Loram Company billed on the invoice.

                               Loram Company                       Accounts Payable Email
                                 BILLED TO
                    Loram Maintenance of Way Inc.        
                    Loram Maintenance of Way Ltd.        
                    LMW de Mexico, S. de R.L. de C.V.    
                    Loram Technologies, Inc.             

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