Page 11 - November 2021 Track N Times
P. 11


                               SAFETY HIGHLIGHTS OCTOBER 2021

                                  Safety Balanced Scorecard (North America & Enterprise)

                                                                Three recordables occurred with the Enterprise, and
                                                                FOUR Category 4 and 5 incidents as shown in the
                                                                A reminder of changes made to this scorecard:
                                                                •   Addition  of  the  workflow  status  for  incident  in-
                                                                    vestigations (report only,  verification, investiga-
                                                                    tion, approval, closed).
                                                                •   Consolidation  of  the  interactions  metrics  into
                                                                    one for LMW (field/floor interactions).
                                                                •   Removal of the body injury graphic.

              Hamel Shop Recordable: Crushed thumb when caught between crane and frame weldment.

              Hamel Shop Recordable: Back strain when stooping down to pick up wire.
              LPL C2104 SPAD/OOL: signal passed at danger/out of limits.
              LPL RG419 OTS violation: Switch not secured for OTS while parked.
              SBC2401 vehicle driver fell asleep contacting jersey barrier.

              SBC25 tamper rolled into the rear knuckle of the BC, on track collision.
              RV6 engine room door contact with passing train.
              DC1 a train backed into their working limits without permission.
              6 First Aids—Hand and finger lacerations, pinches and contusions.
              1 First Aid—FBE
              1 First Aid—Back Strain
              Friction Management:  Split switch prevented.

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