Page 6 - November 2021 Track N Times
P. 6


          The Radio, A Vital Link For Loram

           By Jason Young, Manager, Power-Control Services

          We  often take  for  granted  the  radio  that  is  by     tion  and  is  clear  of  interfering  structures,  they
          our side. Either clipped to our vest or installed in       should  be  able  to  send  the  message  out  over
          our  machines,  the  device  we’ve  become  accus-         considerable  distances.  Particularly,  the  ‘base
          tomed to is the product of many years of devel-            units’ mounted in the cabs.
          opment  and  evolution  that  nowadays  has  be-
          come a staple of everyday life at our workplace.           When a radio is having trouble reaching out to a
                                                                     station that is more than a few miles away, it is
          Not  that  long  ago,  communication  on  the  rail-       almost  always  the  fault  of  the  antenna.  If  you
          road comprised of a series of visual hand signals          can hear the suspected transmitter clearly on an
          or  written  train  orders  that  were  physically         adjacent receiver, a quick way to test this is to
          handed off to consists operating on the way. To-           attempt to monitor the weather channels. You
          day, we have highly effec-                                                  should be able to pick up at
          tive  devices that  allow  us                                               least 1 to 2 weather channels
          to communicate with our                                                     very  clearly  depending  on
          peers    instantaneously                                                    your  area.  If  you  cannot,
          with  little  effort  on  our                                               then  it  is  likely  that  the  an-
          part.  All  we  must  do  is                                                tenna or its connections are
          key  the  “Mic”  and  speak                                                 faulty.  This  can  usually  be
          to whomever we wish to                                                      resolved  by  tightening  the
          contact.                                                                    silver plug on the back of the

          Let’s understand how this                                                   radio.  If  that  doesn’t  do the
          “miraculous”     device                                                     trick,  further  inspection  of
          works.                                                                      the  cables,  connector,  and
                                                                                      the antenna itself is in order.
          When you “Key the Mic”
          or push the transmit but-                                                   A  check  with  an  ohmmeter
          ton,  the  radio  switches                                                  between  the  outside  ‘shield’
          instantly  from  receiver                                                   of  the  antenna  connector
          mode  to  transmit  mode.                                                   and  chassis  ground  should
          We won’t go into the details of how the radio              show  ‘zero’ or  a  very  low  resistance.  A  check
          does  this,  only  that  there  are  three  very  im-      between  the  center  pin  of  the  connector  and
          portant parts of the system that makes effective           ground  should  show  a  very  high  resistance.  If
          radio communication possible:  Microphone, Ra-             this  looks  okay,  and  you  can  safely  access  the
          dio Set, and Antenna.                                      antenna  for  inspection,  look  for  loose  or  cor-
                                                                     roded parts. If these are okay use an extension
          Modern  radio  ‘transceivers’  are  highly  reliable       wire to check continuity between the center pin
          pieces  of  technology  that  in  themselves  are          of  the  radio  coax  connector  and  the  antenna
          mostly  self-contained  and  require  little  mainte-      whip  itself.  This  should  show  close  to  zero
          nance. If a transceiver has a good power connec-

         Volume 2 : Issue 10                                                                                 Page 4
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