Page 3 - November 2021 Track N Times
P. 3
By: Kyle Wesley, Manager Rail Grinding
Those that know me know I am a firm believer in the powers of team-
work. Whether on the machines, at the office, or a combination of
the two, we see teamwork at play each day. Why do I believe in team-
work so much? Easy, teamwork is great at promoting creativity and
learning, increasing shared knowledge, and expanding new skillsets. So,
lets dive into each a little more.
Promoting Creativity and Learning: By bringing people together to figure out an issue, you are
not only helping everyone feel like a part of the team, but you are allowing people to think outside the box and
bounce ideas off one another. I have seen it many times out in the field. You stand there analyzing an issue and
think you have come up with the best way to do it, you bounce that idea off something else and they give you an
entirely different method to get the job done and you sit there thinking “Why didn’t I think of that”. Working as a
team helps eliminate these instances. By following teamwork, everyone learns off everyone in the team and we
can come up with some creative ways to get the task completed. Brainstorming is a great practice to follow be-
fore starting on a new task.
Increasing Shared Knowledge: One of the beauties of Loram is we see people from all different
backgrounds and different experiences. By working as a team, we can increase the shared knowledge of everyone
on the team. Some people have a wealth of electrical knowledge, some mechanical, and some Hydraulic, why not
allow each person to share their knowledge with others on the team. Again, this not only allows that individual to
feel like a part of the team, but it also helps others to feel more a part of the team just by learning some useful
knowledge that one day they can share with others. This is also where communication is key, so that we can iden-
tify the knowledge of others that may help improve safety and efficiency on jobs. Having many people on a team
with shared knowledge is much better then solely relying on one person since you know they are “Good at that”.
Expanding New Skillsets: This is a big one. We tend to stick the same people with the same task day in
and day out. Why? Because it’s the easy thing to do right? We get comfortable and we know said employee will
get the job done safely and right the first time. With that said, we need to think more about the person and the
team than just the job sometimes. Does this employee like this task? Are they getting tired of doing the same
thing repeatedly? Variety is the spice of life, which is where expanding new skillsets comes into play. If this em-
ployee is outstanding at this job, why not stick someone with them that could benefit from it? Now you have two
employees who are great at this task and can share the responsibility, as well as train others. The more others
know, the easier the job is for everyone. This helps us share the workload and reduce fatigue and burnout.
We see teamwork day in and day out, whether a machine is working with our Logistics department on some rush
parts or working with a technician to figure out an issue. And with the winter months right around the corner it
will take some serious teamwork to get the job done safely and without issue. So, the next time you feel like hit-
ting the “Easy Button”, think about the bigger picture and how taking the time to work as a team can promote a
better work environment as well as making your team more well-rounded.