Page 5 - November 2021 Track N Times
P. 5
Close Call Reporting By Travis Pierce, Field Safety Specialist
Have you ever had a Close Call in the field? Was it something that could have
turned out worse than it did? Was it caused by something unforeseen, or something
missed? These situations are when we should be reporting a Close Call. Red flags if ig-
nored, can turn into something more catastrophic down the line. OSHA defines a Close
Call as events “in which a worker might have been hurt if the circumstances had been slightly
different”. One of the most preventative actions we can take is reporting these conditions.
Its common that Close Calls have preventable contributing factors. Looking at reporting this way can
help prevent serious incidents in the future. Ask yourself this question the next time you review a Close Call.
“What Control would have eliminated this event”? It’s likely that one of the controls within the graph below can be
When Close Call Reporting is utilized, it allows our entire team and company to improve. How can you
fix a problem if you don’t know it exist? Close Calls too small or insignificant to report do not exist. Your actions
and reporting can create change and prevent a future incident.