Page 4 - November 2021 Track N Times
P. 4


           Industrial Project “Operation Clean Sweep”

           Contribution by Tracy Key, Chris Dykhoff, Marc Hackett

                                                                      Loram  is  always  looking  for  ways  to  help  new
                                                               customers solve problems.  Recently a team from Loram
                                                               was able to do just that using their expertise and RV18.
                                                               The problem, industrial plastics material mixed with bal-
                                                               last.  The answer, pick it up with RV18 and properly dis-
                                                               pose of the material in a local landfill.  This whole opera-
                                                               tion  was  necessary  to  prevent  the  waste  from  moving
                                                               from the  plant  location to  the  waterway during  storm-
                                                               water runoff.

                                                                      Like most new business at Loram it starts with
                                                               the Sales Team and in this case that person was Regional
                                                               Sales  Manager  Andrew  Schroder.    Andrew  worked  to
                                                               begin a relationship with Loram’s soon to be newest cus-
                                                               tomer, a large producer of industrial products.  The plant
                                                               is  on  the  Gulf  Coast  near  the  ocean  and  waterways,  a
                                                               place we all want to keep as clean as possible.  As we all
                                                               learn  to  become  better  stewards  of  the  environment,
                                                               different  industries  are  trying  to  find  creative  ways  to
                                                               operate and improve.  In some cases, this means chang-
                                                               ing and cleaning up after old work practices that have left
                                                               material that can wind up in sensitive locations.
           Rail Vac 18 At Work!

                   When Andy first mentioned this opportunity, we approached it as being like a project Loram was involved
            with in Canada a few years ago.  The Canada work involved the same tool, a RailVac, but different material.  What
            both projects had in common was the need for handling large volumes of ballast and material as well as a tight
            schedule for getting the work done.  Ideas began to percolate, and a team was assembled, the meetings began.
            Once it was determined that Loram’s solution was both complete and very viable a site team was assembled.  The
            site team consisted of Loram employees Bill Walls, Ben (Calvin) Claxton, Tracy Key, Robert Vert, Robert Doelker
            and Michael Paynter.

                   The Gulf Coast project was 7300 track feet consisting of four yard tracks and two plant loading tracks. Of
            importance to our customer was the containment and removal of the industrial product to prevent any impact to
            the waterways.  A special handling method was arranged that involved careful dialing-in of the swing conveyor.
            This precision off-loading worked well; the operator hit the mark every time as spoils were emptied into a con-
            tainer.  This was certainly no ordinary RailVac job!

                   The team had lots to consider as this was to be a complete turn-key solution, meaning Loram would pro-

                                                                                             Continued Page 6

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         Volume 2 : Issue 10
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