Page 27 - CAPE Financial Services Syllabus Macmillan_Neat
P. 27


Suggested Teaching and Learning Activities

To facilitate students’ attainment of the objectives in this Module, teachers are advised to engage
students in the following teaching and learning activities which may be done separately or merged to
facilitate sequencing and the completion of the SBA task. Teachers should use cooperative grouping
and simulation as often as possible to afford students the opportunity to have authentic and
meaningful experiences.

1. Get the students to view a PowerPoint presentation or teaching video related to select
         concepts. Subsequent to the presentations, the students will be assigned to four-member
         mixed ability learning teams. The students will work in their respective teams to ensure that
         all team members have understood the lesson. Individuals will then be required to complete
         worksheets for the teacher to tally the final scores and assign the average to the groups. The
         group with the best average is rewarded.

2. Provide students with Case Studies detailing some of the key concepts from the Module. The
         students should engage in Cooperative Learning activities in groups of five or less. Each group
         is to be provided with a different Case study. The students will be tasked with preparing a
         SWOT analysis of the Case, identifying the core problem and making suitable

3. Using strategies such as Viewing, Cooperative grouping-four member teams, and Cooperative
         Learning- Student Team Achievement Divisions, the teacher should encourage students to
         practise calculating different values relevant to the topics. The students will view a Power
         Point presentation which will identify the calculations of the different values and their
         significance. The teacher can display tables with missing figures and/ or formulae and groups
         will select a member to enter the missing sections. Having completed that task, all students
         will take individual quizzes on the material, at which time they may not help one another. The
         individual students’ quiz scores will be totalled to form team scores and the team with the
         best performance will be rewarded.

RESOURCES                           Global Banking Regulation and Supervision: What are the
Barth, J., Gan, J., and Noelle, D.  Issues and What are the Practices. 2008. New York: Nova
                                    Science Publishers.
Conference of State Bank
Supervisors                         Cyber Security: A Resource Guide for Bank Executives. 2014.
Errico, L., and Musalem, A.
                                    Offshore Banking: An Analysis of Micro-and Macro Prudential
Harangus, D.                        Issue. 1999.
Hegarty, J., Gieken, F., and
Hirata Barros, A.                   Money Laundering in the Offshore Financial Centres. 2012.

                                    Implementation of International Accounting and Auditing
                                    Standards: Lessons Learned from the World Bank’s Accounting
                                    and Auditing ROSC Program. 2004.

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