Page 77 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947_Neat
P. 77
Affaire, aft or spending over a month on the spot, which fulfilled
all the Muscat requirements. It remains to bo eoen at what
e:qponclituro it wan obtained, and how long it will last, An
unsettling influence on tha situation appears to bo exerted by the
personality of Sheikh Humaid bin Abdullah, the nephew of tha
Rcgont of Kalba. There were perennial quarrels in the time of
Sheikh Ahmad bin Rashid (before Kalba took over the Huan part of
Dibah)j but they wore more easily composed.
(ii). The feud between the Bonl Bu All and Beni Has a an
tribe* in Ja’alan haa also continued during the year, and there has
on one occasion boon something like serious fighting, The Sultan
intervened in tho dispute v/hen on his visit to Sur in September,
and paid out 3,000 Maria Theresa tholors to the Beni Eu All and
600 to the Beni liasoan. This cannot, hor/ever, bo regarded a3 tho
end of the matter, the more so as there is now a fresh blood feud
to fight about (tho nurdor of the head Qacilai of the Beni Bu All,
last year)} and affairs in tho interior of Sur are likely to
continue unsettled.
(iii). The most note-worthy event of the year was the
occupation of Ibri by the Imam in Fobruary, when he appointed a
Wall, Mohammed bln Salim or Raqa^phi, who w&s still there at tha end
of the year. Tho action of the Imam was originally prompted by tho
murder of come of his followers by men of the Boni Kalban tribe, who
live near the head of the Y/adi Eawasinah. When the Imam collected
what seem*to have been quite a considerable force, and advanced on
Ibri, the Beni Kalban appealed to Muscat for help. Little,
however, was done for them. The Imam'a army was eventually
disbanded on Sheikh Suleiman bin Hamiyar (the leading figure of
Jebel Akhdar politics) guaranteeing the good behaviour of the
Qhaflrl tribes.
(b). Local.
The following appointments have boen made to tillayats *-