Page 79 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947_Neat
P. 79


                 (ill)* On the export olds, the market for oar dine a and fish
           Dsoal haa olnoot entirely disappeared ao a result of the British
           naval blockade; and cine a tha outbreak of war in tho Far Eaatf
           the market for oh ark-fins has also gone*     The export of dates

           maintained its levol during the past year, though Iraq is now
           appearing as a competitor in the dry date market.      Exports of .
           limas dropped as a result of a had crop.
                 Uv).   For most of the year the Maria Theresa thaler remained

           more or less at parity with the rupee; but towards the end of the             !
           year there was a sharp rise in the price of silver caused by the
           outbreak of war with Japan.
                 (v).   India is now beginning to get a good hold on the local

           market for cheap fabrics and matches, which was formerly held by
                 (vi) . A price control committee haa been functioning
           throughout the year. While it ha3 not entirely succeeded in its

           aim, it has probably prevented the worse forms of profiteering.
           Towards tho end of the year, the method of calculating the basic
           price was reviewed and revised*

                 (vii) . At the close of the year, the question of the formation
           of a Majlis at-Tidara was under consideration and preliminary
           discussions with the State authorities.

                 (a). Royal Navy*
                      A cruiser flying the flag of the Commander-in-Chief, East
           Indies | steamed across the entrance to the Muscat harbour on the

           26th April#
                                        • i '
                 Cb). Roval Air Force*
                      The Royal Air Force maintained their wireless station at
           Muscat throughout the year*     The staff at present consists of throe

           European operators*;  The station is in direct wireless ccsmunlcatlo
           with Shaibch and Ilabbaniyeh in 'Iraq,     Visits of Royal Air Force
           aircraft to Musost are given in Appendix ”A" to this report#
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