Page 130 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947
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                     (7)  Zahidan-^uetta.     Between 4th July and 2131 August•
                     (8)  Bam.                During 1st half of October,
                     (9)  Yezd.
                    CIO) Bam.                 Between 27th and 29th October.
                    (11)  Uahun.              On November 6th*
                    (12)  Yezd-Isfahan.       Between 23rd and 30th November.
                 :-e left for L'eshed-India on 8th December, and was in India at the
                 end of the year.
                    (d) Consular Liaison Officer.
                       Captain tf. Hassan, arrived in Kerman on the 17th August and
                 took over charge as C.L.O., Kerman.
                       He made the following tours during the period he worked as
                 C.L.O. *-
                    (1)  Sirjan, Bam and          Between 23rd Sept. and 14th Oct.
                            Jiruft areas.
                    (2)  Rafsinjan area.          Between 4th and 10th November.
                   (3)  Bandar Abbas area.        Between 12th and 23rd December.
                   (e) His Majesty1 s Birthday.

                       Owing to the war no reception was held, but His Excellency
                 the Ustandar,- civil and military and foreign residents made the
                 customary calls.
                   (f) Consular Statistics.
                       British subjects registered.    • • •    32.
                       Fassports issued.               • •.      4.
                       Fassports renewed.              • • •    12.
                       Visas granted.                  • . *     3.
                       Documents legalised.            • • •    10.
                       Certificates of origin and
                            interest Issued.           . ..     81.
                       Fees levied.                    • • •    £. 31-10-6.

                            II. VISITORS.

                   CD Colonel Hillj C.R.S., arrived from Tehran on 2-2-42 and left
                 ior Zahidan next day. He again visited Kerman on 19th April via
                 Zaniuan and left for Tehran on 20th.
                   (2) Major G.^. Watts, arrived on 2Cth February and left for
                Zahidan on the 21st.
                   (3) A reconnaissance party of 5 British officers arrived in
                Kerman on 16th March. Taro of the officers visited Bandar Abbas.
                      Vv        one °^er officer proceeded to Tehran via Yezd
                ais ff5rl5n* £he whole VBTty assembled in Yezd on the 28th March
                and left for Birjand via Rubat on the 29th March.
                fprtm4^?^adler.vre2S^ 2Mef Engineer, Iran arrived in Kerman
                •crom Zahidan on the 29th March and left for Tehran next day. H®
                Paid a second visit in June between 18th and 21st aid a 3rd visit
                on 6th November,
                   (5) The Rt. Rev. W.J. Thompson, Bishop in Iran, visited Kerman
                15th - 19th April and 24th September - 2nd October.
                    (6) Lt-Colonel J. Stuart arrived in Kerman on 14th May and
                took up the post of C.R.3.
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