Page 161 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 161
Use of Sittra pier by Petroleum Concessions Ltd 149
Mr. Lormitte of P.C.h. rang mo up this warning
and said,that ho had boon told by a Bahrain Government
Customs Official that as from to-day P.C.h. should cease
usli)g their private jolty at Sitra. Me asked for
confirmation from tho Director of Customs, who raid that
ho had orders to the same effect.two or throe days ago.
I then spoke to Mr. Belgravo and enquired whether the
Shaikh intended to implimont his order prohibiting tho
Company'from using their pier at Sitrn. The Advisor
said that as far as he knew the Shaikh did so intend
but' that he was about to* speak to him.
I informed His Excellency tho Political Resident
of tho substance: of those two communications, A couple
of hours later Mr. Belgrave cano to see me and said that
• in discussing the matter with the Shaikh, the latter had
pointed out that I had.taken a long time to write my
letter psking for his reasons for the order abouttho
Sitra pier, and I had asked for a quick reply while there
were many letters pending reply from us to him. I said
that I had spokon to the Shaikh quite a while ago aVout
... \
.his order and had advised him not to put it into effect
and that the only reason I had delayed writing was that
I felt that it would be more dil'ficul t .for to be ac-
..cpmmodating if- the matter.had reached tho stage of official
correspondence. I asked the Adviser what letters wore
pending a reply and he quoted one about the estate of
a deceased Nejdi in Bahrain, the Shaikh's reply to Ibn
Saud's protest about Bapco operations, and the Shaikh's
letter to Mr. Bevin about Zubnrah. About tho first,
I said that tho Order in Council proscribes certain fees.
arid I could not alter it > but that I was considering
.ways , . .