Page 162 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 162

150                        Records of Bahrain

                               ways ol’ trying to ho h.-lpful; about the.second 1 said
                               that km tho Interim reply had boon sent as requested l«y
                               tho Shaikh; and about tho third 1 pointed out that J could
                               riot ho hold responsible.
                                    - Mr. Dolgrnve then sold that about the Gitro pier

                               •issue the Shaikh had proposed two courses, either (a)
                               he should be given the opportunity of discussing all
                               outstanding questions regarding Qatar, in whichoase he
                               would suspend the implementation of his order for two
                               weeks,' or (b) he would discuss his grievances against
                               P.C.L. with Mr. Lqrmitte - these had nothing to do with
                               Zubarah - and meanwhile he would suspend tho operation
                               of the 'order.
                                       About (a) I said that there was no question of

                               making a bargain.    The Bliuikh could discuss those out-
                               .standing questions with mo any time ho liked.
                                       About (b) J said I thought that it was hotter that,
                               discussions with P.C.L. should bo conducted- through me.
                                Mr..Belgravo said that the Company bad no concession in

                                Bahrain and ho had always acted on the assumption that
                                tho Bahrain Government couid correspond direct as they
                                do with Gray Mackenzies and other British firms,   I sid­
                                mltted that, subject to the views of the Political ltasidcnt
                                there seemed to be no objection to tho bhaikh talking to
                                Mr.•Lormitte about his alleged grievances against P.C.L.
                                       in'the afternoon I rang up Mr. I.erinlltc and told him
                                that he might expect a call from the Bhaikh.    Ho said that
                                he hud heard from the Advisee that tho Bhaikh had suspended

                                operation of • his'        order about the pier for two weeks
                                from today and that he v/anted to talk to him.   I asked Mr.
                                Lermitte.'^o lot me  know anything that the BhuAkh said to

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