Page 164 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
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j Records of Bahrain
Translation ol’ letter No.367, dated the 6th January, 1060,
from 11.H. the Ruler of Bahrain , to the Political Agent, Bahrain
After Compliments, A
I have received your esteemed letter No.C/L-2, dated
the 4th January, 1950 (19th Rahi Awwal, 1369) on the subject
or our order concerning', oitra Pier which the Petroleum
Concessions Ltd. used (in their se.’i traffic) between Bahrain
and qatar. The reasons for the issue of that order are as
1. The agreement envisaged facilities for the Company's
own operations and was signed on the understanding that none
"‘her than Company's men should be conveyed via Zikrlt/oitra
route. But on many occasions non-company's men were brought
down - such as on the 7th Jhil qa'adah, 1368 (3lst August >
1949) and on the 3rd August, 1949,
2. Again on the 18th Janiadah Al-ThanJ. 1367 (3rd May,
1949) certain non-Company's men were brought down.
3. V*'e received a letter numbered 2912, dated the 28th
April, 1.948 from the Manager of the Company admitting that
non-Company's employees wore being convoyed.
In view of those repotLUions which might lead to
misunderstanding between us, wo ordered the closure of that
place, leaving the main ports of Mnnamah and Muharraq open. .
We afforded much facilities for the Company's operations,
•particularly during the war and have letters of thanks from
.the Managers of .the Company addressed to us. w'e did make
the Company's operations work smoothly in our country because
i t-was-.a British one (we being friends to the British from
long) though their benefits go to another country.
The Customs duties and other charges due to Bahrain .
and pa id by the Company are but lawful dues, The ports which
are open to one and all are - praise he to Cod - run on
prescribed rules and wo consider that we are within our righ^
Confidential. '
JUriUAl.7 JiKCKIPT.. ••