Page 299 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 299
Budgetary affairs
The total revenue In 1369 woe 170 lakha, this
waa approximately 40 lakha more than the income in
1360* The increase waa mainly due to the higher rate
of royalty on oil which wao produced during the aooond
half of the year,
A oompariaon of the budget for 1369 and the aotual
roaeipta for that year show that revenue from oil waa
almoat twioe aa much as waa expectod. Ouatoma reoeipta
were li lakha higher than in the prcvioua year and
exceeded the budget oatimato by almoat Gj lakha, the
eatlioate wao baaed upon the average reoeipta over
aeveral previoua yeora* $*and revenue, which includea
money rooeived by the Bale of government land, produced
about throe timou the oaLimated amount.
The total expenditure during 1369 was 1136 lakha
31 lakha more tlian in 1366, The largoot itom of expen
diture Y/aa "Allowances to the Ruling Family" which
inoreaood in proportion to the larger income fro^ oil,
one third of the royalty being paid to the Privy Puroo.
In the year under review paymenta under thiu heading
amounted to 87^ lakha, in the previoua year the Ruling
Family rooeived approximately 22$ lakha.
State departmento, including tho Ouatoma and Acoounta
departmenta ooat tho government One lakh more than in 1368,
A aeporate aocounta department waa oet up in the Uab-al-
bahrain offioea and in other branohea of the administration