Page 302 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 302
290 Records of Bahrain
for publio Protootion, which la spent mainly on tho
Btnto Polioo and armed Nature, provideo for some increase
in tho polioo force which io ut prooont under strength.
Recurrent expenditure on public works iu higher than loot
year, establishment ohargoo and tho coot of upkoop and
repaira inoroase in proportion to tho numbor *f public
worka and buildings which hayo to be maintained by the
Tho total estimate for recurrent annual expenditure
la 105} lakhs,
Tho aura to be apont on new publio works ia 52} lakhs,
tho programme inoludea the completion of several large
buildings which are now in oouroo of construction as well
os new worka. A line of shops ia to be built on Prior Road
behind Dilmun House, the block of flats on tho Sea Road
which were completed in 1569, Blocks of European style
flats, for letting, appear to bo a satisfactory Investment,
it is proposed that another similar block of flats shall bo
built in a different part of Manama, A plot of land in
what used to be the Manama Municipal gurden ia to be
purchased by tho Government as o site for a new girls school,
with living quarters for foreign women touchers, This
building and a largo boys Secondary School, to the west of
the Hostel, will be completed during the year, If this
expenditure ia taken into oonsidoration it will be seen
that the state wftll be spending over 29 lakhs on Education
during 1370. An additional lakh, tho cost of a new lunatic
asylum which is to bo built, can be added to the sum apent
on publio Health, bringing the expenditure up to 15 lakhs.
More married quarters are to be built for tho Btote
Police and various additions will be raude inside tho Port.