Page 301 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 301
Budgetary affairs 289
- 3
to the Minora * Department from which the Government
roooivoa intoroot at the rate of 3‘X»
BUDGET 1370.
I have estimated the total revenue for 1370 at
203j lakhs, over l£ million pounda sterling, The oil
royalty is expooted to produce 13Q lakhs, 62 lakha is
anticipated from customs oolleotiona and 13j lakha from
other sources of revenue. Tho increuoe in revonuo from
royalty ia due to the rale of payment per ton having been
raised from Ra. 3/0 to Ra. 10/- per ton.
Allowanoco to the Ruling Family will amount to
46 lukh8| thiu represents one third of the estimated oil
royalty, In the past tho state paid the Oivil List and'
also paid one third of tho total oil royalty to His High-
neoo. Tho Oivil List will now he paid by the Ruler from
tho one third which ho receives. Largo increases were
upproved by the Ruler to members of the l'uiuily to come
into effect at tho beginning of 1370. After puying tho
now and old allowanoeo tho share of tho Ruler himself
will be in the neighbourhood of 23 lakhu per annum.
Larger amounts have been allocated to recurrent expen
diture on Public Protection, Administration and social
aervicea. Tho cost of atote Departments is about 1 lakh
higher than it was in 1369j on Public Health additional
expenditure of 2j lakha hua been allowed and Education will
oost 4 lukho more than in tho previous year, in both oases
the coat of new buildings ia not inoludod. The allocation