Page 300 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 300
288 Records of Bahrain
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it wou nooosoary to lnoroaoo the otaff, by locally
enlistod personnel, in order to deal with the greater
amount of work.
There wao little difforonoo in the ooot of judicial
About 1 lakh more wao spent upon Public Health and
the oost of education increased by 1} lakhs, These
figures do not include expenditure on now buildings,
sohoolB and hospitals, whioh are shown under "Publio
Wprks". Oooial services were oxtended by tho opening of
new schools and hospitals.
Public Protection oost less in 1569 than in 1568|
in 1568 tho government started a Provident Fund for the
Police into whioh it paid 1 lakh to oover tha previous
oervioo of men already serving in the forco.
Unforsoen expenditure, which amounted to lakhs,
included tho oust of the Ruler's Btatc visit to Kuwuit.
The amount spent by the Public Works Department both
on approved new works and annual repairs was much higher
than in the previous your. 8everal important works and
extensions which hod not been provided for in the budget
were approved during tho year when it was known that the
oil revenue was likely to increase.
Under Capital Expenditure there was an odvunco of
lO^r lakhs to the Electric Undertaking for the purchase of
new plant and for relaying the distribution services which
were no longer adequate to cany the increased load, A
payment of 1^ lakhs was mude to the water scheme, a
further advance of 9 lakhs wob made to the Foodstuffs
account for the purohaue of more rice and 4 lakhs was lent