Page 298 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 298
286 Records of Bahrain
— i,
share of the oil royalties. Ho io now kooping hair of
the third share of the oil royulties for himself and
distributing the othor half amongst his relations and
no allowances are paid from general revenues, The
result of this is that the payments to the ruling
family amount to a little under one quarter of the total
revenue as compared with about one fifth in previous
years. We need not grudge the Ruler the increuse in
his privy purse and he is perhaps wise to be generous
to his relations as in the primitive and patriarchal
conditions prevailing in the Gulf Sheikhdoms, discontent
ed members of the ruling families are always the main
potential source of political trouble. I huvo heard of
no signs of popular discontent regarding the new civil
list and in the circumstances I do not recommend that
wo should make any protest, I feel sure that such
a protest would bo unavailing unless it wore bucked
by vexy strong pressure on the Ruler, This would
only bo justified if there was popular discontent or
if the balance of revenue left after the payment of
allowances was inadequate for the proper administration
and development of the Sheikhdom, which is clearly
not the case,
6. My only comments on the other items of expenditure
are that of tho total devoted to New Public Works,
namely 32* lakhs, Education claims a large share,
since 13? lakhs are earmarked for such building projects
ao tho Hostel, the Secondary School and the Girls'
School. The item on account of Rice and Sugar is
recoverable, and it cannot be said with certainty
whether any of the item of 20 lakhs on account of the
new Pier will be spent in the current year,
7. It will be evident even from this brief analysis
that tho surplus for investment estimated at 2fl£ lakhs
iB safe; and it is probable thut the Buhrain Govern
ment will wish to invest without delay. An existing
Reserve Fund of approximately 123 lakhs is invested in
Government of India securities, but His Highness the
Ruler wishes to transfer these funds from India and to
build his entire reserve in British Government
8. In general I consider that tho Bahrain Budget
for 1370 has been drawn up with a due sense of
proportion and that the competing claims of tho
Shaikhdom in its present stage of development have
been met with marked success.
9. I am sending a copy of this despatch to the
British Middle East Office.
I have tho honour to bo
with the highest rospect,
Your most obedient servant,