Page 282 - Records of Bahrain (5) (i)_Neat
P. 282
270 Records of Bahrain
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Bahrain Government orootod thoir "national mark" on this 400 =
roof ao w oil go on Qattah al Jarada in the winter of 1940"
1937-38 and no protest wna over made by the Shaikh of Qatar*
Only loot January when tho Bahrain Petroleum Company wore
undertaking a seiamogrophic aurvoy of these roofa their
dynamito bargo wont udrift in a storm from the lee of Qattah
al Jaradu and was salvaged on the Qatar Coast, I had some
correspondence with tho Shaikh of Qatar al the about its
return und it io significant that the Shaikh did not mention
any objections to thoir operations on and around those roofs*
If I am instructed to enquire from the Shaikh of Qatar whether
ho claims thorn he will undoubtedly accept the implied sugges-
tion end make a claim — neither he nor any other Arab Ruler
would miss so admirable an opportunity. In view however of
hi9 silence during the past two years since the Bahrein marks
were ereotod I son little purpose in doing so. On the other
hand I suggest that the uncontested exhibition of the Bahrain
Government marks for ao long a poriod is sufficient to estab
lish Bahrain rights. I might mention incidentally that my
information, which I have not personally ohooked by observa
tion at high spring tides, is that a small part of both
these reefs remains exposed at all states of tho tide*
4. On the larger question of marking a dividing line
between the interests of Bahrain and Qatar in tho waters
separating the two states I am unable to express any very
definite viows* Apart from the Ilawar group, Faaht al Dibal
and Qattah al Jarada, there are several small islets in these
waters, outside tho three mile limit from the Qatar shore, to
all of which Bahrain laid claim two years ago by tho erection
of national marks. If it io accepted that this act, which has
not been contested by Qatar, establishes Bahrain olaim to
sovreign^ty, then presumably Bahrain also obtains Jurisdiction
over areas of sea within the three mile limit around each of
tho islets* This however etill leavoa a very considerable
area A
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