Page 286 - Records of Bahrain (5) (i)_Neat
P. 286

274                        Records of Bahrain

                        Translation of a letter dated 10th Rabl al awwal 1357 (10th
                     May 1930) from Shaikh Abdulla bln Qnsim al Than!, G.I.F.., Ruler
                     of Qatar, to Mr. IJ.V'eightman, ICS., Political Agent, Dahrain.
                      I have the honour to refer to the firm friendship, good and
                   strong relations’ and the treaties which exist between me and
                   II.0.M's Government upon which I rely, after God, in all my

                   affairs, in view of this I submitted my protests and complaints
                   to.the Hon'ble the Political Resident in the Persian Gulf and to
                   the Political Agent, Bahrain, in connection with the irregular
                   action taken by Bahrain, in against Qatar, without any real justi­
                   fication, and their unusual attitude towards me when I took cert­

                   ain steps concerning the affairs of my own town and within my
                   territory. I made a full representation of what had happened and
                   asked on what ground they have taken such actions which injured
                   the feelings, broke the tie-' of friendship and disturbed the
                   good neighbourly relations which existed between bbth parties.
                      Now I see that they have done a new thing which rnay create
                   further difficulties. I deem it necessary, therefore, to inform

                   you that these matters may lead to affairs which would be
                   advisable to avoid.
                       Perhaps you will remember that I told you, In the course of
                    conversation, during your last visit to Dohah about Hawar. I said
                    that Hawar is, by its natural position, a part of Qatar, and it

                    is not hidden to anyone who is acquainted wilhh geographical and
                    natural condition and has seen the natural position of Hawar that
                    it is, beyond doubt, a part of Qatar though it is a small Island
                    separated by a shallow channel of water. But by its present
                    position it is attached to Qatar, formed by it and belongs to it.
                       I was astonished when in the last two days I heard that the
                    Bahrain Government are making interferences at Hawar. I was ■
                    surprised to see that the Bahrain Government, without, any.justifi-

                 ’• cation, have ventured to carry out affairs which may iead'to/
                  •!*V;    .         *•           • • • ,                    •.*.* : •** V.
                  ••-'•difficulties and bad consequences. I consider thatjit.'is^npt.:.  \
                                                                                   M ..
                                  *   .       , V                                 v •; • ■ i
                   -right to keep quiet'about* their action 'which’ • a trari3gr9ssion
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