Page 289 - Records of Bahrain (5) (i)_Neat
P. 289
Claim by Ruler of Qatar 277
4717 I
Extract from letter dated tho 16th Rabi kl Thahl16th
Jhno 1930) from Shaikh Abdullah bin Qaaira 'SI"tllani, C,I.E •»
Ruler of Qatar, to tho Political Agent, Bahrain,
After Compliments.
I wish to express my pleasure in seeing you on the
evening of 30th Pay 1930 whon I was honoured by your vieit
to Doha, I ora sorry that no the visit y/gs so short X could
not enjoy full happiness by moating you bu\ I hope that I
y/ill have more pleasure when I moot you on another occasion,
I trust that you woro happy and successful in your visit to
the Omen Coast. I wish you good luck and success in all your
affairs. 1 also hope that you returned to Bahrain in good
health and full comfort. At the same tame, I beg to refer
to tho conversation which took place between us on tho eve
ning of 30th Kay 1933 on your visit to *)oha nhd wish to write
and cofirm it so chat you may have a thorough knowledge of
it. You o i. sc visaed with me the question of Rawer. I thanked
you for informing mo that you wore going to investigate the
matter very thoroughly so that the facts may become clear,
and llis Majosty's Government may be ablo to decide the matter
in tho light of justice and equity. You asked me whether I
had anything further to say about Hay/ar other than v/hat I
had v/ritten in my letter which you had with you, I replied
that v/hat I had written v/ao limited to tho present situation
and in view of v/hat you had written on the suhjeot to mo,
Tho letter to which you referred did not restrict all the
evidence that I may have relating to thio matter, but dis
cussions tuko a different form at certain stages according
to the development of the situation. Something has to be
said for every situation. I do not understand, until tho
present moment, tho grounds on v/hioh the Bahrain Government
base their aggression on Hawar, Perhaps, if 1 hear the state
ment v/hich thoy consider it to be the ground on which they