Page 293 - Records of Bahrain (5) (i)_Neat
P. 293

Claim by Ruler of Qatar                  281
                      Translation of comments on the statement of
                      tho Bahrain Govornmont in the oase of Hawor
                      Islands.  Submitted by the Ruler of Qatar.

                        1.   The Bahrain Government try to find out         \
                      Justification for tho action they dared in the
                      Hawar Islands but they fall into confusion about
                      the matter. They lose the point and then l-avs
                      recourse to sophistication and the obliteration
                      of facto to which no one, who has the least know­

                      ledge of conditions which prevailed in these ielands
                      in the past, would support them.
                              In studying their memorandum and examining
   No comment         its contents I did not find out that they have
                      put forward even a fraction of the .evidence which
                      can be considered as sufficient proof from an

                      indicative point of view, or a proof which can be a
                      likely argument to justify their recent action in
                      islands which form a part of Qatar. All that it
                      contained are some far fetched allegations which
                      are remote from the truth.
                        2.    Tho Bahrain Government deny my statement that

                      they did not occupy those islands except in recent
                      days, and they allege that they belong to the
  No comment          Ruler of Bahrain, and that they were inhabited by
                      their subjects for more than a century* Then they
                      recant and contradict their own allegations and
        I- ...M-
                      support my statement in saying that their military
                      detachment was only recently stationed there*

                        3.    Whoever views this allegation will find it
                      not only illogical but also far away from sensibi­
                      lity, and will be surprised by its strangeness and
  But Shaikh          bare-faced contradictory appearance* That islands
  Abdullah does
  not claim that      which are so described by the Bahrain Government,
  .Qatar detachments
  or representatives and whioh they claim as belonging to them and in-
  were in Hawar.                                    ^
                      habited by their subjects for over a century,;shoulfl
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