Page 294 - Records of Bahrain (5) (i)_Neat
P. 294
282 Records of Bahrain
5 remain for bo long unoccupiod by thoir military
8 detachment and without any representative, except
recently, ia an allegation which makes one lough
becauoe of ito extraordinary strangeness.
It is unnecessary for me to give more
instances about the weakness of thia alligation,
its remoteness from the truth and its illogical
foundation, becausejeveryone who has knowledge
of logic will not agree with them on this point.
4. nothing out of Uio words ’'co-operation”
and "brothorlinesa” which they put fqrward to
justify the same, could be used as a basis for
the foundation of their claim. Because, had
the Hawar Islands been ao described by the Bah
rain Governmont inhabited by their subjects in
a permanent manner, or that it con be described
as towns and villages or anything approaohing
the same, then "co-operation” and "brotherlineas"
would have not prevented their Govornment from
taking the necessary steps required by the condi
Villages, not tov/ns. tions of towns so described as belonging to them,
The idea that any
thing need be done as it ia in all countries of the v/orld. But as
for remote villages
is entirely modern the truth is different from that mentioned by
in these parts.
the Bahrain Government it becomes necessary that
they should justify the actions and liberties
which they have taken in a land whiohdoe9 not
belong to them by putting forward conclusive
proofs which should be logical, agreeable and
acceptable to a living conscience. But if they
use false allegations and obscure methods for
unjustly taking possession of the lands of
others then we will not give in.
6. The Bahrain Government desoribe my
statement that tho islands are an abode for