Page 299 - Records of Bahrain (5) (i)_Neat
P. 299

Claim by Ruler of Qatar                  207

                              witli permanent inhabitants, their families
                              herds and boats, and who has "created a dome
                              out of a grain" ? Unless perhaps the Bahrain
                              Government had "a rovelotion in the underground
                                     Perhaps an oppor wv'uity "Oght occur in
    ♦I have been twice        the near future for Your Excellency to visit
     and tho Bahrain des­
     cription is a good       the Howar Islands to enable you personally
     deal more accurate
     than Qatar*s.            to see for yourself and ascertain who is the
                              truthful amongst us, so that your judgment may
                              be formed in the light of true facts.
                                     The reason which has prompted us to
                              ask for the prevention of the Bahrain Govern­
                              ment from the actions which thoy took in the

                              Hawar Islands is not greed for the presence
                              of oil but to prevent the Bahrain Government
                              from taking a part of Qatar.
                                8.   In article 6 of their memorandum the

                              Bahrain Government aski To whom dojd^ the Hawar
                              Islands belong if not to Bahrain ? It would
                              have been better had they asked i To whom does
                              Qatar belong if not to Bahrain 7 Whatever can
    No comment                be said about Hawar can be said about the whole
                              of Qatar, and wo ask the Bahrain Government
                              whether the Hawar Islands, from a geographical

                              point of view, comprise of a part of Bahrain
                              completing it from the south or a part of
                              Qatar completing it from the north 7
                                     Our previous remark, about the indepen­
                              dence of Qatar and the recognition of our ruler-

                              ship over it, carries its meaning which, if
                              the Bahrain Government does not perceive, is
                              not latent to those who have knowledge of
                              situations in these parts.
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