Page 302 - Records of Bahrain (5) (i)_Neat
P. 302
290 Records of Bahrain
ollegod by them, did not result except in
^nd counter-sealed the finding of two decisions made by tho
wy the Shaikh of
Bahrain. Sunni V-adhi of Bahrain in respect of a disputo
betwoen two persons 28 years ago. This cons
titutes all tho evidence put forward by tho
Bahrain Government which they thin!; can be
rolled upon to satisfy their greed in the
II aw a r Islands. rhen we cast an investigating
look over these two cases we find that the
^adhi of Bahrain did not give the lea9t indi
cation about the nationality of the two liti
gants. Therefore they are of unknown nationali
ty and they may be of any other Arab State.
This assumption is strengthened by tho fact
that disputes arise frequently betwoen Muslima
in other countries than their own and they
go to the Vndhi of the Shir' n who registers
their cases and gives his decision which becomes
valid nnd executable between tho two litigants
as if it had tnkon place in their own country
and by their own Qadhis, that is because the
But not about
ownership of Islamic Share' a law is the same on all points
land and water
in a foreign and by common consent and can take place in
State! Would a
Qatar Qadhi settle any place where the Shara'a ia recognised as
a dispute about
land at Riyadh ? if it ia one law flor all. This is a practice
which is confirmed and practised in our state
and in Hejd, Oman and other parts of Arabia,
thus it is possible for the Qadhie of Nojd
to decide betwoen 'Oman subjects, and for
the Oodhis of Qotah to deoide between Nejdi
subjects and register their cases* This
practice was also prevalent in Bahrain until
a certain time past. Assuming howevor> for
. . t' ’
argument's sake, that the two porsons, botweon