Page 304 - Records of Bahrain (5) (i)_Neat
P. 304
292 Records of Bahrain
of the Dawasir tribe who live at al-Zalaq
when thoy used to frequent Hawar for fishing
purpoeoo thoy were attacked at that place end
they put a complaint before my late father
Sheikh Qasi/n who heard their complaint and
docidod ogeinot those who have attacked thorn
on the ground that the attack took place in
his own territory, Thio incident is known to
some individuals and there was no custom of
recording such incidents, ao thoy are dealt
with orally we have no record of it, but there
Queer that they
have not done so arc reliable v/itnesses who will give thoir
during all these
months. ovidence about the same.
13. how that I have put forward my comments
on the statement of the Bahrain Government in
this matter in which they rely on a few indi
viduals of Zalaq who may be of its subjects
or it may be that they come to these islands
for settlement in winter for fishing, like
•Who and where others, who are the subjects of Saudi Arabia,
are they ?
do. Then, would it occur to the Government df
No, as they are H.M. King Abdul Aziz to claim the islands be
cause some of their subjects lived on them
and built dwellings and water reservoirs.
In order to know the local situation
it would be necessary for Your Exoellonoy to
turn your attention to the fact that there
is nothing strode about the action of some
fishermen by living in an island which belong*
to Qatar or any other Government, or that
such fishermen are subjects of one Government
This does of or the other. This is a widely prevalent
course happen
in some places.
custom, and one which is natural and cannot
change through change of times or places, and