Page 308 - Records of Bahrain (5) (i)_Neat
P. 308
296 Records of Bahrain
Translation of a testimonial of evidence submitted
with the Ruler of Qatar's letter dated Uio 30th March 1939
Wo the undersigned persona t ake an oath by God and say
that to the best of our knowledge, and according to firm facta,
Hawar island is a part of northern Qatar and was never subject
to Bahrain, and that the rulers of Bahrain never exercised
authority or took any measures in, or possession of, Hawar
islands which con justify their claim or taking possession
of those Islands which we testify are an inseparable part
of Qatar., subject to .<atar from every angle of Its situation
and owned by its ruler. The allegations made by the signa
tories of the document respecting Hawar are untrue. If they
are really of those who frequent Hawar then they cannot be
any other than those fishermen who settle in -Hawar and other
islands during the winter for fishing whon thoy are free from
the pearl fishing season. They are permanently settled in
Bahrain, their boats, their houses and. immovables are all
in Bahrain.
Ws write this testimonial for the purpose of stating
the facts and for submitting the evidence which we possess
about a firm and real matter.
Dated 25th Muharram 1358 (16th March 1939)
1. Ali bin Rashid el-Manna' ee
2. Abdulla bin Rashid el-Manna'ee
3. Khalaf bin Hasan el-Manna'ee
4. Abdul Aziz bin Muhammad el-Manna'ee
5. Hasan bin Abdulla el-Holli el-Manna'ee
6. Rashid bin Abdullah el-Helli el-Manna'ee
7. Jasim bin (Omar el-Manna'ee
8. Sayid Ali bin Muhammad
9. Sayed Husain bin Muhammad
10. Sayid Abdulla bin Muhammad
11. Sayid Hisain bin Shamsan
12. Sayid Hashim bin Salih
13. Husain bln Ali el-Manna'ee
14. Muhammad bin Ma'yoof
15. Saif bln Abdulla el-Manna'ee
16. Abdul Wahab bin Abdulla el-Manna'ee
17. Ibrahim bln Muhammad el-Manna'ee
18. All bin Saif el-Manna'ee
19. Abdul Rahman bin 'Isa el-Manna'ee
20. 'Isa abu Llma'eo el-Kubalsl
21. Saqur bln Muhammad abu Sabir.