Page 310 - Records of Bahrain (5) (i)_Neat
P. 310
298 Records of Bahrain
Translation of a testimonial of evidonco 3ubmittod
with the Ruler of Qatar's letter dated 30th March 1939,
We the undersigned according to the best of our
knowledge and the firmly established facts take on oath by
God and say that the Rawer Islands were never subject to
Bahrain, and the Rulers of Bahrain never had authority in
them, and never took possession or any actions in these
islands in the past. We witness and confirm that the Hawar
Islands ere subject to Qatar and inseparably attached to it
and owned by its ruler. vVhatever different allegations is
made is false, and we also confirm that these Islands was
not inhabited in the manner which is alle/ed, but it was
as other islands frequented by fishermen who come to it
during the fishing season and leave it in the diving season.
V*e also witness that the allegations made by th’e signatories
of the document in respect to Hawar are false, and If It be
true that they are of those who f requent the islands then
they cannot be any other than those who temporarily come
to the islands for fishing during the timo in which they
are free of the pearl-fishing season, and we also testify
that they live In Bahrain permanently, their boats and im
movable properties and places are all there. We write this
testimonial for the purpose of stating the facts and for
submitting the evidence which we possess about a firm and
real matter.
Dated 25th Muharram 1358 (16.3.1939)
1. Khalifah bin Mubarak bin Hitmi
2. Ibrahim bin Nasr
3. Ali bin Sultan bin Ali
4. Shahin el-Aairi
6. Yusuf bin Ahmed el-Sulaiti
6. Muhammad bin Khalifah el-Suwaidi
7. Ibrahim bin Abdulla el-Hasawi
8. Khalid bin Ali el-Khulaifi
9. Abdullah bin Khamis el-Khulaifi
10. Muhammad bln Sultan el-Suwadl
11. Muhammad bln Rashid el Ashrl
12- Muhammad bin Khaldd el-Suwaidi
13. Muhammad bin Mulla Ibrahim
14. fJeialr bin Sultan el-Suwaidi
15. Ahmed bin Ali el-Sulaiti
16. Abdulla bln Mulla Ibrahim
17. Muhammad bin Nasr bin Bakht.
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