Page 315 - Records of Bahrain (5) (i)_Neat
P. 315
Claim by Ruler of Qatar 303
i 193 y
belong to Bahrain according to their nfttuWireir^
geographiaul petition) thot tney noiiher wore detached
from their mother .star# nor did they out off themoelves
from her) and the Government of Bahrain neither con
quered nor invaded them except in recent times when they
found oirouuu>tonoeo t o be fovouroole and *ri*sa greyed
on the Islands with u view to usurping them under a
false oluiwi which lc contrary to all facte ond principles*
1 woo able to prevent them from doing this transgression
at the timet but 1 reported to oonanontjenee ond »*aLx
relying upon the friendship of Hie Kajeoty's Government
ond their support in rightful questions# and with this
belief# 1 submitted my protect ando omploint to the
prox>er quantors on tuia subject*
frith o*y full deference end h-.naur for Bio Hajeoty’o
Government and o onaideratiou for Y^ur Honour# I beg to
state that it utrlKeu ioy mind thu t the true pooltion of
this question iwu not cecc-mo fully alecr to idle kajesty'a
Ocvernmest or to Y-ur ti.ncur and cv the ceee has not
beooine clear* Hovrcvor much 1 thought over this matter
1 could not ovoid the thought that the sophlatloatlona to
thioh tno Government of Bahrain have resorted and which
they huvo sheen to Your honour in s polished gilded appear*
anoe9 might have been the factor for the formation of H1b
Majesty's Government'o viewpoint on thlo question* And
having regard t o this probability» 1 on unoble to .remain
quiet oYor the case# which preferably le the result of
abstrueeness# ambiguity, and non-eluoldotion of the relevant
facto* 1 therefore protest f or a second time asking for
th* /