Page 320 - Records of Bahrain (5) (i)_Neat
P. 320
308 Records of Bahrain
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area dating from long bofore it became diuputed
territory, und would attach great weight to hie views*
If he conaiderB that <<,atar haB received Iqbb than ita
due then this ohould be taken into account in the demarca
tion of the remaining aieputed areas* My ov/n tentative
view is that the dividing line Bhould run nidv*ny betv/een
the tv/o mainlandb until the latitude of the Islands
is reached* i'he method of claiming reefB by erecting
cairne and marks 1b totally foreign to Arab Bentiment
and pructice and little weight should be attached to it*
I am sending copies of this letter to Caroe and
to Alban.
*oent under Printed Letter No.467 of
26 th Ootobcrn;l94i,
t I