Page 316 - Records of Bahrain (5) (i)_Neat
P. 316
304 Records of Bahrain
6254 i
th« clarlfice lion of the queciivtii end oppeol to
Your Honour*a humanity uuJ to Hla iiojewty'o Government's
»en*e of Juutioe to look Into the caao w ith duo Juotloe and
equity* aw 2 ora perfectly o.nfident that Hie Majesty's
Government* e and Your Honour* e cent? of Justice and
busu.nlty would not agree tbut any tranagreadier *Hould
bo sisdc on my territory or my natural rights* 1 Q»
positive tht-t on the clorifiaation of the'f note, of the
oooo you will change your opinion for respecting my
righto and nut ion1 o and avoid wounding mine end my
nation's hearts uoeing that we ere euob of your friends
who have remained your friends up to no* und depend upon
your aesiotunofl and support*
1 request that the •.•ueetion u»y be oonriidered
again and tnut eu .Ulrica any r.goln be mode into it»
boonuoo pu y.-a ..ill appreciate 0 fsur Honour t one
aunnot jurrendcr to the usurpation of ono'e loud or
one**) righto * and that neither justice* nor the Uhara
tnw t no:r on.y *;ivil Low* uc«e eonotion any usurpation*
I therefore reoorve for wyeelf my right® to the Hewer
Islands until the true position has become dear* The
right is the beat tc be followed*
Usual Ending*