Page 314 - Records of Bahrain (5) (i)_Neat
P. 314
302 Records of Bahrain
Dated 17th Jemadi-ul-Thont» 13W3.
I q a
4th Auguoti 1^39* V.__
/rom ..haikh Abdullah bln al-Thani, C«l*H»t
Kulor of ;«tor*
To Th« Hon* bio Lieut*-Colonel iiir Trenohord Fowls*
K <C «I«K•9 C «B*R • #
Polltlool resident in ?ersir»; aulf *
Alter ocmpliacnto.
1 regret to Inform you that 1 wo* greatly
diaappeintod ct shut Your Honour mentioned in your
esteemed letter No*659-S dated 11th July lv3®# oorres-
ponding tc the 33rd Joinsdi-al-Aval > 13689 namely that
Hio HcJoBty’o Government dlrootod y<.u to Inform me that
In their opinion the Haw^r lu 1;:nda belong to Bahrain
iitnt# and not to the -tote of >tor#
naturally enough X vo& deeply wtt.nlohod at
the newo and In lay oetonishiMnt tried t 0 find the oauso
for whut ilia Majesty1a Oovsrnmont have made the baaia
of their opinion \n ttiiu quoetion while 1 hod provldod
them with proofs, evidences 1 and contexts which 1 thought
were adequate to clarify theaorreot position end oondltions
of these Islands* lo It eooeptoblo 0 Your Honottr I to
oay that the Islands which are considered the completing
pert i t the ;etor :>tot« on the north olde» belong to
Bahrain .'State end not to the ntete tt Qatar ? It is known
to Ycur Honour that the Hawor Islands belongod to the
Qatar state from the very day when Ood oreated theb and hft'f'*
remained Qatar territory up to this day| that they’d 0 not,
belong /