Page 311 - Records of Bahrain (5) (i)_Neat
P. 311
Claim by Ruler of Qatar 299
Translation of a testimonial of evidence submitted with
the Ruler of Qatar's letter dated the 30th March 1939. !
Wo the undersigned say that we witness in accordance
with our knowledge and well established facts that Hawar is
subject to Qatar and was never a separate or divided part of
it. We also witneaa and confirm that by no any means did it
become subject to Bahrain. The Ruler a* B»hrai* never occu
pied it or exercised any authority in it in the past which
can be taken as a means for their claim and the taking of
action in those islands as they did last year, llawar was
never subject to any except 'atar and that is in accordance
to its natural situation, We refute the allegations of the
signatories of the petition that llawar is subject to Bahrain,
and we say that it never was. The signatories of the petition
are none other than those v/ho frequent Hawar and other islands
during the fishing season, and they do not inhabit any place
other than Bahrain in a recognised manner; their house, boats
and permanent places are there; we confirm this, and we write
this testimonial as a proof to the truth, and with the object
of tendering whatever true evidence we have.
Dated 25th Muharram 1358 (16.3.1939).
1. Ahmed bin 'Isa el-Muhannidi
2. Ali bin 'Isa el-Muhannidi
3. Sa'ad bin el-Muhannidi (bin Ali)
4. Muhammad bin Omar el-Muhannidi
5. Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab
6. Abdullah bin Ali el-Muhannidi
7. Ahmed bin 'Isa bin Yusuf
8. Abdul Wahab bin Ali
9. Rashid bin Darweesh
10. Salim bin Darwoesh el-Muhannidi
11. Abdul Rahman bin Rashid
12. Ali bin Muhammad bin Ali
13. Abdulla bin Jasim el-Muhannidi
14. Ghanim bin Shahin el-Muhannidi
15. Abdul Wahab bin Hamad el-Muhannidi
16. Muhammad bin Ali el-Muraikhi
17. Hamad bln Hamdan el-Muhannidi
18. Jasim bin Rashid el-Muahannidi
19. Ibrahim bin Sa'ad bin Budah
20. Ibrahim bin Abdullah el-Ansari.