Page 309 - Records of Bahrain (5) (i)_Neat
P. 309

Claim by llulcr of Qatar                 297
             Translation of a teatimonial of evidence submitted with the
             Ruler of Qatar's letter dated the 30th March 1939,

                    I the undersigned according to my knowledge aay

             that I personally know the following persons each in
                  1.  Ahmed bin Rashid ol-Douoari
                  2.  Yusuf bin Ahmed el-Dousari
                  3.  Ali bin Shahin el-Douaari
                  4.  Sa'ad bin Muhammad el-Dousari
                  5.  'Isa bin Hasan el-Douaari
                  6.  Sultan bin Ahmed el-Fatam
                  7.  Subah bin Saqur el-Dousari
                  3. Ahmed bin Shahin cl-Doucari
                  9. Muhanna bin Huzaim el-Dousari
                 10. Muhammad bin Ahmed bin Shahin el-Dousari
                    These persons are inhabitants of al-Zulaq a district
             of the island of Awal; their boats, houses and properties
             are there. They have no any connection with Hawar other
             than their being fishermen who come to it during the

             fishing season and then they leave for their own placos
             at Zalaq, they have nothing at Hawar except shelters which
             they have set up because of necessity for sheltering them
             during the fishing season, I state this end confirm it
             according to my personal knowledge of these persons and
             I take an oath to the same effect.

               Dated 25th Muharram 1358 (16-3-1939)

                      Sd/- Muhammad bin Abdulla el-Ghurari.
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